Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jessy's Wedding Invitations

This project was forever ago! I had the awesome privilege to design Jessy's invitations and other wedding stationery. She's an amazing woman. I love her and her family. Her personal style made this project tons of fun.

Here are a few shots of the whole invitation set together:

Here is the invite card:


R.S.V.P. card:

Program (front and back):

Menu card:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Kristin and Some Twins

Here's some work I did recently that I never posted.

First, logo and business card design for Kristin Lynch. I designed and she got them printed online...Vista Print, I think. Definitely look her up if you need Web Development or other technology solutions. She's pretty awesome. Here are the cards:


And back:

Second, this is a baby announcement I designed for my friend Kelly's sister. Kelly took the pic and it's amazing...i love it. Luckily, her sister Kim is funky and cool, so I was able to try out a more modern design. It turned out great, I think:

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Lusky Family: Brian, Rachel and Chloe

Had a really fun maternity photo shoot with these guys today! I am officially excited to meet Chloe Grace...I can't believe how quick this is all happening!

I'm just putting a few up here as a "sneak peek" for Rachel. More will be on flickr soon!

I call this, "We are the hippest parents ever invented."
Subtitle: "The Luskys: Bringing the Sass since 2000."
And I like the sunlight/flare in the middle. I usually don't, but it works here:

And this is when I started crying uncontrollably.
I took about 10 pics without seeing what I was doing. Good result, at least:

I love how this is framed. It's just perfect, to me:


"Hello? Is this Jack Bauer? Yeah, we're available for active duty ASAP."
Too bad I LOVE this photo:

Aaaaaand I love this:

I think this is the best "heart on belly" shot in the universe:

In other news, I felt Chloe's butt while she was kicking Rachel. AAAAAAH! Amazing.

Monday, January 4, 2010

3 Words for 2010

Inspired by Terry Storch and Chris Brogan.

This really applies to a lot of things in the spiritual, physical and mental realms. It's not just about "eating right" and "exercising,"it's about being as healthy as possible in as many areas that I can. It's going to be about all of the little choices I make on a daily basis. This includes things like: getting caught up on regular doctor's visits, completing a daily reading plan from YouVersion, and being honest about my feelings with people.
Why? Because I want to be faster, better and stronger.

I have a feeling that a lot is going to change for me in 2010. The trick will be surrendering to what it actually is, instead of lamenting what it isn't. It really means being open to God, the people around me, and new experiences/ideas.
Why? Because I don't want to become unteachable, inflexible or closed.

I want to continue a goal I had in 2009, which was to be a student much as possible. To focus that down a bit, I'd like to be in a constant state of learning about Communications. I also want to be a student of people around me so I can be someone worth studying someday.
Why? Because I don't have all the answers and I want to model a spirit of learning to those around me.