Inspired by
Terry Storch and
Chris Brogan.
This really applies to a lot of things in the spiritual, physical and mental realms. It's not just about "eating right" and "exercising,"it's about being as healthy as possible in as many areas that I can. It's going to be about all of the little choices I make on a daily basis. This includes things like: getting caught up on regular doctor's visits, completing a daily reading plan from
YouVersion, and being honest about my feelings with people.
Why? Because I want to be faster, better and stronger.
I have a feeling that a lot is going to change for me in 2010. The trick will be surrendering to what it actually is, instead of lamenting what it isn't. It really means being open to God, the people around me, and new experiences/ideas.
Why? Because I don't want to become unteachable, inflexible or closed.
I want to continue a goal I had in 2009, which was to be a student much as possible. To focus that down a bit, I'd like to be in a constant state of learning about Communications. I also want to be a student of people around me so I can be someone worth studying someday.
Why? Because I don't have all the answers and I want to model a spirit of learning to those around me.